Real-time Detection of Mechanical Damage on Pipelines via Cathodic Protection
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Aadam Oubelhaj
Maher Kassir, Carine Lacroix, Eirc Parizot, Gérard HUSS, Aadam Oubelhaj
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Third-party damage is a leading cause of pipeline failures worldwide, accounting for up to 50% of incidents. Indeed, mechanical damage is one of the greatest threats to all pipeline companies that transport oil, gas, or hydrogen. Although operators must be aware of mechanical impact and damage on their pipelines, until now there has been no satisfactory technology to detect mechanical damage on operating pipelines in real time. The SPADE system that is now being developed for commercial use, consisting of hardware and the associated software, will be used to detect mechanical impact in real time based on changes in CP current. Once an operator has detected mechanical impact at a particular location, the operator is able to evaluate the extent of damage that has taken place and implement an appropriate repair without undue delay, avoiding pipeline failure or rupture, and increasing safety, environmental protection, and energy deliverability.

The SPADE company has developed and patented a technology for real-time detection of mechanical shocks on steel pipelines, based on the cathodic protection current. Field experiments have being carried out on pipelines with different types of coatings (fusion-bond epoxy and coal tar enamel), pipelines exposed to AC or DC interference, pipelines where illegal tapping is simulated, and pipe in contact with its casing causing a short circuit. Field experiments have been conducted on the GRTgaz network in France for more than three years. Subsequently, a PRCI project led by GRTgaz and PG&E to validate performance of the technology was supported by eight other North American and European operators. 

To enhance pipeline security, integrity, environmental protection, public safety, and energy deliverability, SPADE is a cost-effective solution that can be easily integrated into a pipeline operating system without modifying the existing installation. Current research, results obtained, and conclusions reached will be discussed in this presentation.

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